Health & Social Education
What Makes Me Me? By Robert Winston
This book is a dynamic and different look at how our bodies work and what makes each of us a unique person. I t also looks at what our bodies are made of and discusses some of the complexities of how our brains work. There are fascinating sections on personality traits, multiple intelligences, body language, dreams and phobias. There are also a number of tests for genes, memory as well as verbal, spatial and numerical skills and for personality. (10 – 14 years)
Body: An Amazing Tour of Human Anatomy by Robert Winston and Richard Walker
I know there have been many books which try to reconstruct the human body and give an idea of its amazing complexity but this one I think does it extremely successfully. The book looks at the various body systems such as skeletal, muscular, nervous etc but then looks in more detail at the head, and upper and lower body sections. The illustrations are exceptional and enable us to visualise the amazing complexity of the body through reconstruction which has been made possible apparently through modern scanning machines and computing. (10 – 18 years)
The Way We Work: Explore the Human Body – Head to Toe! by David Macaulay with Richard Walker hardback
This is a very detailed and also entertaining book which shows how our bodies work. Macaulay spent years in research attending anatomy classes and attending dissections in order to gain some understanding of the very complex processes involved. The result is an extremely detailed analysis both in text and also with illustrations. There is humour in many of the illustrations and many depict the body as though it is a machine and this often helps in our understanding of how it works but my overall impression was of the amazing complexity of the body and its functions! There are seven comprehensive sections showing how the various parts of the body work. It would be very helpful book to have in the library to provide additional information for students needing additional information about how the body works. (12 years up)
This book is a dynamic and different look at how our bodies work and what makes each of us a unique person. I t also looks at what our bodies are made of and discusses some of the complexities of how our brains work. There are fascinating sections on personality traits, multiple intelligences, body language, dreams and phobias. There are also a number of tests for genes, memory as well as verbal, spatial and numerical skills and for personality. (10 – 14 years)
Body: An Amazing Tour of Human Anatomy by Robert Winston and Richard Walker
I know there have been many books which try to reconstruct the human body and give an idea of its amazing complexity but this one I think does it extremely successfully. The book looks at the various body systems such as skeletal, muscular, nervous etc but then looks in more detail at the head, and upper and lower body sections. The illustrations are exceptional and enable us to visualise the amazing complexity of the body through reconstruction which has been made possible apparently through modern scanning machines and computing. (10 – 18 years)
The Way We Work: Explore the Human Body – Head to Toe! by David Macaulay with Richard Walker hardback
This is a very detailed and also entertaining book which shows how our bodies work. Macaulay spent years in research attending anatomy classes and attending dissections in order to gain some understanding of the very complex processes involved. The result is an extremely detailed analysis both in text and also with illustrations. There is humour in many of the illustrations and many depict the body as though it is a machine and this often helps in our understanding of how it works but my overall impression was of the amazing complexity of the body and its functions! There are seven comprehensive sections showing how the various parts of the body work. It would be very helpful book to have in the library to provide additional information for students needing additional information about how the body works. (12 years up)