Recommended e-Resources - Group 4 - Experimental Sciences
The information below relates to documents that are available from the ISD e-Resources. They have been carefully selected by your teachers and the LRC staff. Scroll through the list to find documents that are relevant to your current studies.
Nomenclature of Multiple Forms of Enzymes
Recommendations on the nomenclature of multiple forms of enzymes were prepared by a subcommittee appointed by the International Union of Biochemistry and published in 1964 in a number of journals. These were later revised by a sub-committee of the IUPAC-IUB Commission on Biochemical Nomenclature (CBN) and the revised recommendations were published in 1971.
In view of the rapid development in the field, particularly of conjugated or derived forms of enzymes as related to enzyme regulation, a new subcommittee was appointed to unify the nomenclature of covalently modified enzymes. The report of the subcommittee was received by CBN in 1972 and circulated widely among experts in the field.
The recommendations of the subcommittee, including suggestions received by CBN, were incorporated by CBN into the present set of recommendations covering all multiple forms of enzymes. These recommendations were adopted in 1976.
Scitable is a free science library and personal learning tool by Nature Publishing Group, the world's leading publisher of science. AVAILABLE AT:
Learn.Genetics delivers educational materials on genetics, bioscience and health topics. They are designed to be used by students, teachers and members of the public. AVAILABLE AT:
An explanation of GM technology, written by the Society of Biology. Includes links to sites covering both sides of the debate over whether or not we should be using GM technology. AVAILABLE AT:
Discover the concepts and experiments that define the fields of genetics and molecular biology. This animated primer features the work of over 100 scientists and researchers. Produced by the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory. AVAILABLE AT:
Practical techniques and models to explore how an understanding of the mechanisms of DNA replication and chromosome selection in gamete formation can explain some of the changing features of populations. AVAILABLE AT: